
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The cinematography was really good. Nitya Menen looks beautiful and Sharwanand looks handsome. The love story starts out sweetly. They show good chemistry on the screen. However, as the story goes on, it becomes very unrealistic. For so many of the scenes, I was just sitting there shaking my head. How can I believe that Nitya's father shot himself right when he heard the news about her love matter? Who is that rash?? Or Nitya's sacrifice of her love because her father killed himself. First of all, she says she won't give up her love; then her dad shoots himself; now she says since my dad is dead, I'll give up my love. WHAT. Also, Nitya Menen's daughter's character is so forced. Obviously, the writers wanted to make a point that having boyfriends and doing things with them before marriage is a horrible sin, so they make this daughter character totally bad and completely unbelievable. First of all, she is adopted by Nitya, so she has presumably been raised and taught values by her. Then, how did she become this chain-boyfriend ditching, instant pleasure seeking girl?? And only after she is completely grown, Nitya is telling her morals. And her talk about sex and love were totally cringe-worthy and laughable. Like, I would show it to my friend to show her how bad it is.