• Okay, so first I heard that this is coming from the producer of American Horror Story which is the show I adored very much. So I try to give it a shot, I start the Pilot with my snack and hope for some funny thriller with satirical joke...

    However, it turns out to be a mess with a lot of missed opportunity.

    First, It is NOT really funny. OK, I might laugh 1 or 2 times from the 2 hours premier. It is NOT fun also since all the joke seemed to be super forced and the writing is, sorry, really stupid and cliché. Emma Robert is good with the role like this (As you can see in AHS:Coven) but the writing is so over the top that make her looks so silly and stupid. All the characters are super unlikable and it's so hard to watch it without skipping through some of the scene. Then, we have a bad death scene that try to be funny or shocking but turns out to be a big fat MEH. You know it is NOT good when you roll your eyes at almost every death scene in the episode and go like 'This is SO stupid'.

    Overall, I won't continue to watch this. It is bad. It is not funny. It's not entertaining. And I suffer a lot even from watching these premiers. I give 3 stars for the sets which looks really nice and some 1-2 funny lines. You might want to check this out, but don't go with high expectation. This is not for everyone.