• Warning: Spoilers
    Here we have something unusual,a movie that stars mostly women doing something normally reserved for males, sports, basketball in this case. Brooke Shields and Camryn Manheim really shine in the movie. The rest of the cast, while serviceable, aren't near as good. Daryl Hannah is unfortunately particularly silly. Unfortunately because I typically like her. It's a 'feel good' story with all the usual clichés and as such isn't going to deliver anything out of bounds.

    There are enough decent moments of 'aw shucks' I guess to keep watching, but really, this not a great movie. Except for one key moment at the end it's predictable. It features almost all the clichéd characters one would expect in this type of movie (wholesome do-gooder, closeted lesbian, town tramp, stoner chick, sassy black lady and even for some reason a midget), with them behaving just like you'd expect. The basketball scenes are filmed in quick succession, which suggests there were many takes and although it's meant to convey the action of the game it actually gets tiresome. Except for Brooke Shields and maybe Daryl Hannah, none of the women are remotely athletic. The music is conventional with the typical piano interlude when the scenes are sad and the typical repetitive rock blaring away during the action sequences.

    In short, mildly enjoyable for some solid performances and interesting basic premise, but nothing special. I really wanted to love this movie because of the great cast, but they only serve to add fine sauce to a bad dish. Watch if there's nothing else on.