• Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoyed this episode though the story lines were stupid, predictable and not sinister. I was giggling at the beginning just when Rourke said "teeny weeny" a lot around Tattoo. anyhow back to being mature....

    The first story had this guy played by Ken Berry who wants an exciting life and meet his doopleganger as everyone has one. I have a doopleganger back in the day, it was some bartender in Fort Lee NJ who apparently was at a popular bar but was a real jerk. i had to hear about it. I always wondered what it would like to be a twin. Then i could say to people who go "whats it like being a twin? " and go "what's it like being not a twin. " it doesn't work the other way and a twin never asked me "whats it like being not a twin" so i can say" I don't know stupid, whats it like being a twin.?" So anyhow the guy learns his doopleganger is a Black Jack shark and lives on a yacht. he goes to the yacht and there's this hot blond in a bathing suit shes readjusting to put the top on to say hi to him. I'm like shes hot, but then the brunette comes in all jealous saying its her turn for him to go to dinner with. I was like "The brunette, the brunette!" but he suggested both go. nice life. then he realizes his black jack success is from having a 12 year old nephew who is a card counter who gives him "Subtle" hints like yawning means hit, and folding arms means stay. Not subtle at all. Realizing this kid is being used , Ken berry befriends him and takes him to play ball (which means buying bats, gloves, a soft ball, bad news bears era yellow sleeved long sleeved shirt with white and ugly no logo Montreal Expos and Oakland Athletic mesh hats. In fact , playing ball is Ken berry saying run to the base i bought, and slide and injuring the kid. As a kid we just played catch. whatever. So turns out the guys in debt with a bookie on his butt and then it gets all predictable til Ken berry adopts the kid and htey live happily ever after.

    The best story here was the wine episode .Stupid Tattoo decides to tell a nun if she comes to fantasy island, her wine will win a contest and she will get money to save her village, orphanage, whatever it was. Mr Rourke is upset by this promise but her wine is awesome. This attracts the attention of a rival family entering the wine contest. Its a guy, his bitchy wife, and dumb ass son . I could watch this family forever they were great. Hilarious. it was like a mix of three stooges and that Looney tunes vulture with its dumb kid and something else i cant thing of. Best was the son going to sneak a sample of the nuns wine by going up to a guy and going , "whats the time" and he turns his wrist, spilling his wine into the sons cup. brilliant.

    Anyhow like any contest, it becomes between the absolute best (this family) and the extreme underdog (the nun). The nun gives tattoo and Mr Rourke a wine bottle and all the sudden its disgusting. So Tattoo switches their wine with the family s wine. then the family on the advice of the sinister son, they decides to switch their labels with the nuns labels cause they still think her wine is good. so the nun wins but hte family tells what they did so no one wins and then MR Rourke tells the nun that her wine turned bad cause all the oil in the ground did it and now shes rich. no more wine fields , just smoky trucks and oil drills etc. yay.

    The episode ends with them saying bye to ken Berry and the kid. THey just wave at the nun , she had nothing interesting to say i guess. what a good episode.