• Not going to do a full review of this movie but going to cover the basics of why this movie is horrible. One this was around the time CN was experimenting with adding live programming to the mix... this movie was a prime example of why this was bad... movie like batman are forgivable cause batman has a cartoon counterpart... this movie strives to be in the tradition of cartoon live action hybrids... but felt more like an attempt to create a satire of the concept of humor. The plot is ludicrous, boy get hit by a train needs brain surgery has pseudo-Walt Disney's brain put in his head and starts seeing things. Not ghosts like the kid in the 6th sense, but toons, not funny ones either... but barely funny dollar store mascot looking toons. Of course then the movie continues going on trying to make a story with things like a green girl, bad guys trying to get the brain back and boring to the point of absurdity action scenes... the movie feels like CN was trying to force it down viewers throats not really giving any place to offer feedback at the time... probably because they had out of jimmy's head planned... after this the Gary Coleman show and its TV movie feel like masterpieces.