• I first saw this in the early 90s.

    Revisited it on a dvd which I own in 2009 with my kids. My 6 year old boy n 5 year old daughter was captivated by this seemingly simple story told through the eyes of children.

    Perhaps also it was the fact that the part of the story that dealt with Boo Radley, held a kind of mystery.

    My daughter kinda got scared of the character Boo.

    I remember she asked me to buy for her bib overalls/dungarees aft enjoying this movie.

    Revisited again few days back n now my kids are 13 n 12 respectively.

    Felt like writing a review now inspite of knowing that everything has already been said about this wonderful movie.

    This is one of the greatest movies of all time, indeed n one of my personal fav.

    The character Atticus Finch is indeed the greatest screen hero of the 20th century.

    The child actors are excellent and the young Mary Badham as Scout is remarkable.

    Mulligan's direction is flawless. Art Direction by Henry Bumstead and Set Decoration by Oliver Emert are brilliant. They indeed bring to life what a small Southern Town would have been like in the early thirties.

    Excellent cinematography by Russel Harlan. The use of black-and-white cinematography conveys the mood of Depression-era small-town America perfectly and one of the best things is the music by Elmer Bernstein.

    Gregory Peck's best performance in my opinion.

    (Edited n inserted this line aft re watching it again in Nov 2021 n now my kids are 17 n 18 respectively).

    This movie n the story is indeed timeless classic.