• This is some community on the Maryland shore where apparently everyone is just gentleman about things. Where else except among the English aristocracy would an ex-husband like John Travolta be invited to his ex-wife's wedding? I think that most people would find that an awkward situation.

    But it's more than awkward when Travolta's son Matthew O'Leary stows along and sees Vince Vaughn his mother's new husband kill someone and dispose of the body. He tells dad and that gets Travolta to investigating Vaughn. He proves quite adept as a detective, better than the local Mayberry like police they have in the area.

    Vince has got quite a past from the rackets, but he's sold himself well to his surroundings. It all comes out in the end of course.

    It's not a bad story, but it was given a mediocre production. Best in the film is young Matthew O'Leary. Most of the rest of the cast just walks through their roles. A shining exception is Steve Buscemi who always is playing sleazebags. In Domestic Disturbance he's at his sleaziest.

    For fans of Travolta and Buscemi.