
  • Warning: Spoilers
    everything is wrong with this movie. the plot makes no sense. with the exception of Costner, the acting is pretty bad. especially gary oldman. (sorry). snippets are borrowed from almost every movie ever made. including a scene where the hero sews himelf up surgically (see Harrison ford), which itself was stolen from a 40's noir. nothing makes any sense. no one acts in a logical way, although I don't know how one would act under these circumstances. they put ryan Reynold's brain in kevin Costner. ryan has a secret which a lot of folks want. something about blowing up the world, I think. and off we go from there. that's it. and yet, and yet I had a good time. maybe I wasn't on the edge of my seat, but I was having fun with all this. the whole thing moves right along at a fast pace and there is a totally illogical happy ending. it's a perfectly wonderful Saturday afternoon at the movies.