• Made to resemble the original Batman series (1966-1968), The Wild World of Batwoman would have been considered a blatant rip-off if it wasn't to badly brought to life. For real though, director/producer Jerry Warren was sued for copyright infringement and won the case because the film is so bad no audience of the time would ever connect it to the majesty that is Adam West's Batman.

    The film stars Katherine Victor as the titular Batwoman, a bubbly crime-fighter who teams up with a gaggle of fellow batwomen dressed in elaborate costumes. The plot (if you could call it that) revolves around the batwomen trying to track down a plutonium powered espionage device that's being sold to Batwoman's arch-enemy Rat Fink (Richard Banks). In reality, the film largely takes place on one dingy back-lot with the costumed women trying and failing to battle a host of barely discernible baddies.

    This movie is a mess. It showcases confusing writing, inept directing, grainy and unpleasant cinematography, lazy, amateurish acting, jarring editing and cheap-looking costuming. The precious few scenes that are not entirely without merit were literally lifted from other movies in the hopes that the audience wouldn't notice. The film is just a loosely strung together scenes and utterly pointless to try to decipher. It's such a lazy shoestring-quickie that when Warren won his lawsuit he re-released the movie under the title She Was a Hippy Vampire. Think about that; that's like re-releasing Iron Man (2008) under the title "The Clever Hostage" and hoping no one would realize it's the same f***ing film! It's renaming is also further proof that the plot is completely amorphous and irrelevant. But hey, at least there's dancing, lots and lots of dancing.