
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First things first. See that poster? That guy is in the movie, except the guy in the movie is a fat hillbilly guy wearing the same gear. Right there, the movie fails. Hillbilly's are NOT scary, no matter how edgy you try to make them (in this movie's case, watching a cartoon and making love to a doll.. I think, I couldn't tell, whole scene was 99& darkness).

    Second, the protagonist is a emo dude who wants to do a school bombing/shooting with his friends. Right there? You stop sympathizing with him even till the end, when he changes his mind (and how is he not in custody over planning it all? they just let him get back to the school next day..) Third, the moment our "heroes" enter the lair of the guy on the poster, whole movie turns the contrast up 50% and increases the darkness level in all scenes. That means, good luck recognizing what is going on in 99.9% of the scenes. You won't be scared, you'll be just really REALLY annoyed.

    Fourth, the "big bad" guy on the poster is beaten up and defeated by two scrawny kids. Rest of the movie is a crappy school bombing plot, that never happens. In whole movie, only two people get killed and that includes a cop and the kid who bombs that cop. Yeah, that's the real terror, school shooting/bombing.

    So basically, this movie is trying to make a statement on school shootings, telling all of the nerds who get beaten up that "Don't shoot up the place, it isn't worth it.. just take the beatings and humiliation." There, I saved you the trouble of watching the movie. That was the message all along. Go watch some good horror movie.

    TIP: How to watch this movie for free? Turn off your monitor/TV. See that dark screen? That's the movie. Enjoy.