
  • If you want to wallow in the misery of the title character, go for it. I've watched The Guards and The Pikemen and that's enough for me. Jack Taylor is a drunk private eye whose mistakes lead to devastating results for other people, particularly in The Pikemen. His bad judgment leads him to getting severely beaten up repeatedly, but he heals miraculously to pursue his cases. I have no idea what the point is of these stories except to present a boring has-been who screws up regularly but manages to rise above his alcoholic fog to figure out who the perpetrator is (what?!) and then hand it off to the police. The direction is below B-movie grade and the editing even worse. The only positive aspect of these films is the quality of the acting by the lead and his supporting cast, all of whom do an excellent job and that's what the 2 stars are for. However, that in itself cannot entice me to watch further installments of this crime series. Jack Taylor is just too dumb.