• This by no means is a sequel to the much more critically acclaimed 1967 In the Heat of the Night starring Academy Award winners Sidney Poitier and Rod Steiger. Mind you both the cinematography and musical score are top notch, but where In the Heat of the Night rose to fame bringing racial tension to reality through strong acting performances, this film, ...Tick...Tick...Tick... leaves me with an empty feeling of just another film trying to piggyback off the established fame and success of another racially toned film.

    Similar films such as "Billy Jack", "Return to Macon County Line" and of course, "In the Heat of the Night" allowed their audiences to feel the cruelty of either racial tension and/or law versus disorder, of their townsfolk and their local small town police station. Jim Brown did his best to carry this movie alongside the versatile actor George Kennedy. (Who can forget George Kennedy's stellar performance as the prisoner named Dragline in Cool Hand Luke?) But a good film needs a good script and this film is not going to explode as the films' title may indicate. Instead it implodes, and instead of being suspenseful, I would have rather the title be delete...delete...delete....

    The music score is a harmonized track that is more relevant to a film like Midnight Cowboy than to this film. Sorry Jim, you were good in 100 Rifles, even better in Ice Station Zebra, but ...Tick...Tick...Tick... stopped time completely 20 minutes in to the film and never really started for my taste.

    I give it a 3 out of 10 IMDb rating and another pass.