• Most states and municipalities Police Officers have the option to retire at 20 or 27. The State I live in has a mandatory retirement at 276 years of service. You know why I know this because I am one. 45 years old, retired at 20 years of service with 43% of my base pay as pension. 27 gets you 63% of your base pay for a pension. with each year past 20 gives you 2.5%. So yes it is perfectly plausible for someone in their 40's to retire. Seeing as his wife works, he can stay retired. I on the other hand could of stayed retired but I chose to start a new career and work toward a new pension to supplement both my Social Security and State Pension in later years which would allow me to fully retire at 62 instead of 67 and have the same quality of life as I do now.

    The more you know..........And all that jazz. As for the Show, it's hella funny and I like it.