• This is not your average review and this is not your average movie.

    Imagine a world when someone not familiar with western culture stumbles onto a random Harry Potter movie? Or a Matrix entry? Do you think with no prior point of reference they would "get" the film as intended? My point is this -- I am a big fan of the Arthur legend and have read a lot about it, both fiction and non-fiction. I am one of several million people (approximately) who finds the core story moving and compelling and almost visceral.

    This movie, which even a casual observer will see does not follow the "usual" Disney formula, and is almost entirely plot-driven, and was clearly written by a Arthur buff. And if you are an Arthur buff when you see it, it will have much more impact than the reviews here would indicate.

    So, that said, this is a solid film and a young Britt Robertson has more than enough charm to keep things moving to the conclusion.

    For those intrigued by the POV expressed in this review and want more, I suggest Excalibur (1981) for film buffs and "The Forever King" by Molly Cochrane for readers.

    It will be well worth the effort.