
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just watched oskar werner as German traitor, a couple days ago I watched tyrone power proletariat fall in love with slumming joan Fontaine, she of the upper class, father a doctor who could have gotten her a better post, but she wants to sign up with the masses. On double date she meets tyrone in the dark and then a daytime date and they fall in love. They go to an inn and stay chastely in adjacent rooms and then he talks in his sleep: war terrors. Tom Mitchell shows up trying to convince him to turn himself in. Joan senses his mental turmoil without knowing its cause. A conversation with a kind one armed priest convinces him to turn himself in. He calls joan. Lets meet before i turn myself in. But the mp's catch him first. But a kind officer allows him a few hours to go meet joan, but German aerial attack and his helping hand and a falling wall puts him in the hospital. Joan goes to father and doctor dad operates on tyrone's brain. Will he live? We can only pray. But he marries her in his hospital bed. This was propaganda to convince the working class to join in the war against the Germans despite the system being corrupt. Quite explicit in pushing this message. The title is one of the worst ever.