• Warning: Spoilers
    Any film with Walter Slezak is a potentially interesting movie, and "Come September" with its attractive photography and clever film editing, is no exception. In this one, Slezak has an opportunity to speak Italian. In one of the film's cleverest sequences, he mistranslates Rock's protestations to the police. His Italian is fluent but still spoken with his characteristic German accent. And as usual, he is a sheer delight. Bobby Darin is much less amusing. In fact, he's as boorish as usual. I wasn't enamored of the strident Miss Dee either, but Lollo is exquisitely clothed and dishabille. Good old Rock looks appropriately confused, but there's some clever directorial work at the climax in which Rock and the police gesticulate on one side of the train window to the silently mouthing Lollo on the other!