• With Eric Bogosian bringing his family to witness a re-enactment of the Hamilton-Burr duel over in Weekhawken and seeing 'Hamilton' get himself shot really dead even though it was New Jersey you know it would be Major Case involved. The fact that the actual murder shot was fired from across the Hudson makes it New York case in any event.

    Anyone who did not see that the characters that Donna Murphy and Xander Berkeley were based on Geraldine Ferraro and her bad boy husband John Zaccaro had to be living under a rock. The third prime mover here is her chauffeur and aide Mike Colter.

    The case brings a bit of a rift between Goren and Eames as Kathryn Erbe makes no bones about the fact she sees Murphy as true feminist idol. Who sadly has feet of clay. Sad that these two just didn't divorce.

    Murphy and Berkeley are outstanding as the troubled married and very prominent couple