• I found the whole film too far fetched.Colbert and Welles are excellent but in reality people just don't behave the way Welles behaves.He loves his wife but their is no yearning to comfort her ,tell her what happened,just a refusal to admit that he is her husband, because he wants his wife to live in the present and not the past . Colbert is right in not wanting her son to go to war and after what happened to Welles you'd think he would support Colberts view .Instead he talks her into letting her son go - hard to believe a man who so horribly disfigured both mentally and physically (that he wanted to kill himself)would be so content with allowing his only son to war I get that people's lives change and Welles could not just sail back happily into Colberts but for Welles to close himself off from any chance of a happy reunion,especially after she tells him how much she loves him is taking his nobility too far. I'm not suggesting a " lived happy ever after"ending but Colbert finding her letters in his apartment would removed any doubts she had about who he was and his love for her.