• Warning: Spoilers

    If you don't want to read any details about this film then please don't read any further!!

    I decided to watch this film just for a joke, and I'm left speechless, then I went from speechless to laugh out loud hysterical laughing. I mean this film is so bad that it had to have been made by children as a prank The acting has to be seen to be believed, it is so atrocious that no reputable film producer will ever hire anyone that stared in this film ever again. The CGI is on a level of bad that is laughable, we're talking about "Land Shark" level bad Also who wrote the script?, seriously, it is so terrible that it must have been composed by the intellectually impaired....I mean falling on the ground 2 feet away from the Croc, and saying "what do I do....then screaming at it, "nobody messes with a DJ sister" before getting eaten And omg! the head sorority sister is so vile, nasty, narcissistic, selfish, obnoxious and bitchy that she takes "entitled spoilt feminist brat" to a whole new level, you just have to see her, she's that bad....In fact her lines are the only redeeming feature of this film, you will get a chuckle every time she speaks Oh yeah, there's plenty of babes in bikini's to keep us guys interested in what's going on in this movie, that's it's second redeeming feature They confront crocs in the woods Anaconda comes does small battle with them Anaconda kills crocs Anaconda eats a guy Guy blows up Anaconda with grenade in it's belly The end....I did warn you lol