• Arnold Schwarzenegger hooks up with director Ivan Reitman once again, after their 80's smash hit Twins (1988) first highlighted the giant Austrian's talent for comedy. Like that one, this is a film that is so high-concept that you should be able to work out a large part of the plot just by looking at the poster. The film does one of those things that lots of comedies from the late 80's / early 90's did and that is set up a light-hearted comedy framework and then throw in a crime sub-plot into the mix. To this end we have Arnold playing a disillusioned cop who is trying to hunt down that other staple of the era – the criminal with a sharp suit and power ballad haircut. Arnie travels to a small town in Oregon where he knows that Power Ballad's ex-wife and son live. In order to find them he goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher. Needless to say, this unlikely primary school teacher gets into a series of toddler-related japes, while falling in love with Power Ballad's ex-wife who also works at the school. Before long things turn nasty when Power Ballad turns up and tries to steal his son back leaving Arnie with no alternative but to deal with this pony-tailed, suited-and-booted ponce.

    This one shouldn't work but it does. Its story is almost charmingly moronic but it gets by on account of a highly likable and often somewhat hilarious performance from Schwarzenegger, who really can play comedy really well. He is ably supported by Pamela Reed who plays his partner who at one stage hilariously pretends to be his sister replete with amusing Austrian accent and Germanic gestures. Then of course there are the little kids themselves who are often very funny and who Arnie works extremely well with and has great chemistry. The result is a movie which transcends its paper thin basic idea and results in a genuinely charming chuckle-fest.