• I'll be honest; I was going to turn this movie off several times throughout my viewing. The acting is atrocious from most of the cast; the females were all untalented and lame, and the males were not much better. The promising beginning devolved into too much talking and a slow unfolding of events. The acting was actually getting worse, and I just didn't care about anyone or what would eventually happen to them. (In Movie Time: 0;00-0;35)

    Then, something happened. The bad guys were introduced, the power was cut in the house. Then the crap hit the fan. The special effects budget was thoughtfully considered, as some of the deaths were brutal and graphic as all get out. Surprisingly, some of the actors seem to have gained some talent under stress, and things just took a turn for the better. The movie actually got my attention. (In Movie Time: 0;35-1;15)

    Then we get to the final act, and oh, boy, do things get wickedly disturbing. Once you realize why everything was set in motion, you will be scrambling to pick your jaw up from the floor. For a cheaply made film, the last act really is the stuff of Hollywood blockbusters. Truly, one of the best final third of a film I have seen in recent memory. (1;15-END)

    Overall, aside from some talent-less acting, some poor cinematography and some questionable directorial choices, this movie proved that even with bad actors, you can yield a decent film if your script is good enough. Not a remarkable film, by any means, and many of you will turn it off within the first 20 minutes (and I wouldn't blame you), but for those that stick with it, you might actually come out a bit impressed.