• Warning: Spoilers
    Every since I was a wii-lil-child I have loved the sims series, so you can imagine how excited I was when i bought ~The Sims 3~. I sat that, practically peeing myself with excitement, as I downloaded the sims 3 + the pets expansion pack + the outdoor living "stuff" pack. (Despite the incredibly long time it took to load while I peed myself) I fell in love with the sims 3 the same way I had with the first sims game my mother had downloaded on the home computer within my first 5 minutes of playing.

    The game is just like life. You play as a person, you get a job as a person, you buy your first house as a person, you get married as a person, you have a child that looks kind of f***ed up but you still do it as a person(even if the baby doesn't do it as a person). Just like real life the people, or sims, have emotions. The emotions in the game are made by your sims moodlets, moodlets are gained from actions and places. The moodlets are caused by things like hunger, hygiene, a well decorated room or even the death of a relative or friend, and like real life you do all of these as a person. Like real life, in this game you have no real objectives but "wishes" that your sims make, these an also affect moodlets. After the novelty of living a life (more successful than your own(lets face it you're 25 next month and your still playing sims)) of an average sim/person wears off and you notice the existentialism of the game, you begin to experiment. These experiments start off innocent, you marry a second person just to observe the moodlet/emotion of your fellow sim, of your first husband. By your fifth husband and your relationship of now polyandry you've become bored. You recreate the first glitch you encountered, and each of your five husbands now have 3 children to their name, not only children but those weird f***ed up children that don't play the game as people, Not Like You Do. You breed these children like a person performing a weird f***ed up experiment, like a person. Eventually your first sim and her husbands have all grown old and out of kindness for the human race and mentally ill, they stop breeding. You are shocked and mad at the betrayal of your sims and their reproductive habits so you lock them in a room with no light or bed or shower or food or friend. You decide to observe how long each of these sims take to die and what the cause is. when you find that they all die of starvation first you take note. The children you've had have now grown up and they're old enough to participate (no matter how f***ed up they are). You set aside two above ground for breeding and the rest are locked underground with the same conditions as the first but they all get one meal this time. You take note of what they die from and you make sure that next time they don't die from this. You continue this return in order to find the most brutal and difficult to reach death. By your 300th participant you find it. You find the worst death. YOU find that your sims has died from loneliness. YOU found this as a person. This is when you realize that sims 3 has gone to far.

    The sims 3 is a perfect realization of what people do without consequence. You cannot blame this on Jasmine the wife of five and mother of fifteen, shes dead. YOU killed all of these people out of what? Curiosity? Rebellion? To prove a point? NO, it's because you could. The sims 3 lets see what is deeper inside the human brain, what is deeper inside the human soul. With this information I can only imagine the people paying EA for statistics. Or maybe EA keeps it for themselves for their new line of AI based on the brain of my 12 year old curious, rebellious, spiteful self. The sims is using game data they collected to learn about the human brain and it's too late.

    I hope that someone smarter than me is able to find this information and do something with it because I'm not sure exactly what reaction would be correct. I am going to have to take a break from my IMDb review career so that I can find myself, goodbye everyone and good luck.

    EDIT: although I'm not sure it was the right choice I have changed my name and have come to a hopeful final count of five husbands (real life people, not sims) and I thought you might all want to know that my f***ed up children and I have decided to give the game a second chance so I'm currently downloading my 13th piece of DLC. Anyway goodbye and good luck losers ;p.