
  • I saw this at an early screening in Hollywood and enjoyed it immensely. The film follows the journey of five freshmen college classmates on the evening of September 11, 2001 while they struggle with their place in the evolutionary food chain of a normal college experience when it becomes increasingly obvious nothing in their lives will ever be normal again. The entire film takes place in one twenty four hour period and works on two levels at the same time. The normal freshmen angst plays out: drinking, awkward crushes, talk of sexual conquests, at the same time trying to wrap their heads around what the terrible events of the day truly mean. Max Gail of Barney Miller fame has a great cameo which greatly compliments the extremely talented newcomers in the film. September Morning is a slice of time that addresses the horrors of 9/11 the way most of the country and the world did watching it on television until becoming numb. Adding helplessness to the terrifying start of a new life in college and this movie examines the fear of youth in a world gone mad. Great film.