
  • This is more of a murder mystery with a bit of scifi thrown into the bargain and it never seems to know what it is or how the story should proceed or unfold.

    Don't get me wrong all the acting was superb and i didn't figure out the crash significance but i did figure out how the murder/death happened within 10 mins of the scene unfolding - I guess when you have watched films like "Forbidden Planet" and other movie scenes where humans try to over-reach their capability you would also have surmised what happened to the inventor chap! Yip its all been done before and in a much more interesting way - the actual box itself looks really cheap and the special effects are woeful - there is even a scene where the plastic visor screen opens up and instead of gliding like it would if it had a proper electronic motor it moves like it is stuck - i actually started to laugh at that point it was really very poor effects!

    The movie itself was plodding and nothing groundbreaking as some reviewers are suggesting - its very sad how there are so many shills on IMDb trying to sway the votes and getting people to view movies that really aren't what they are expecting.

    I guess we are all still waiting for another Matrix, Saw or Oblivion movie with a great idea but this isn't it sadly.