• Hey, I'm 60 years old and I grew up with Star Wars. The great shows/movies you mature with you dream of coming back. When Star Wars The Force Awakens came out I was so excited I can't even tell you! I didn't care much for the prequels honestly. And sadly, TFA let me down and too much to much to explain now, but it did. Not because Han dies but other reasons. So we don't always get what we want, yeah?

    Then there's Will & Grace. I have enjoyed Will & Grace so far but episode 'Straight and Narrow' had me laughing out loud so much I coughed. Do you know that feeling? And, acknowledging the seriousness of the episode. Why mention Star Wars? When Will & Grace did their political episode on Youtube- I loved it and wanted more! ...and it happened! How cool is that? And as I said I have enjoyed the new series so far but last night's episode was dark, funny, tender and definitely Will & Grace!

    Commenters complaining of politics have never seen Will & Grace (maybe Russian Trolls). Will & Grace was a new thing back then, and people whining about fem gays, have no clue because for one- Will isn't, Jack is- that's how it is in real life and I know- I'm Trans. I have known straight and effeminate Gay men and some in between. I'd be known as 'Transsexual' (post op) back when, but now everything is Trans. I'll add I'm not sure making everyone 'Trans' is a good thing. There are so many variations in our community.

    Wonderful episode! I have been let down by many a return series/movie but Will & Grace really lives up to it's promise and I Thank You NBC and all the Cast for returning! A Dream Realized!

    P.S. After reading the previous reviews I have to say be suspicious. These days you can't trust what you read- even my own words. I will say lastly if you were a fan of Will & Grace you are no doubt happy with it's return. If you are out to create chaos, lie and fabricate false reviews good luck to you. We will see through you and still embrace Jack and Co.