• Warning: Spoilers
    So,also,guys my new favourite show will also be apart of my Halloween reviews because..ya! Its horror related! So,Stranger Things is now happily on Netflix after a year of production and you should have seen me,I was literally checking for no reason everyday on Netflix,just in case,just in case,there was a chance Season 2 was out early,but no and every day I checked...and trust me,I never have ever done that,not for 13 Reasons Why or Riverdale or any Netflix show,so,I pretty much love this show..but anyway,lets get in to Season 2's premiere,ay?! Warning! Spoilers ahead!! Season 2 opens in Pittsburgh,Penslyvannia,where a group of people in masks participate in a bank robbery when the main girl reveals to be a girl also with psychic powers with the tattoo saying '008'on her arm..hmm,strange,Eleven has the same tattoo but it says '011'. The episode then shows Mike,Dustin,Lucas and Will as they spy on Max,a new girl who they think are the person who bet Dustin's high score on some video game,it also shows Joyce who is now dating the manager at her store as well as Nancy who finds out that Mr. and Mrs. Holland are hiring a investigator to find their missing daughter and Nancy's best friend Barbara unaware she was eaten by The Demogorgan a year back,Will is also going up and down to Hawkins Lab to have treatments as they find out hes suffering from post dramatic stress. The episode then soon ends leaving at a brilliant blank spot;Hopper returns to his new home with two dinners sitting on the table,but who? A new girlfriend? His old wife? Sarah? No!! You were wrong,it was Eleven,yes,Eleven is back as the episode ends with the two agreeing that dessert comes after dinner as the two finish dinner. Now,I have not seen the next episode yet as I'm waiting for my sister to finish Season 1 so she can move on but I was literally acting metal when I saw the opening scene to the end,I was rubbing my hands like crazy with excitement,I'm excited to see who actually Darcie and Max are and why their in Hawkins as well as how Eleven escaped the Upside Down..but I have a theory I think is going to be true,but who knows,theory's are just things I believe!! MADMAX is an exciting premiere that might even have you pissing your jeans like I did..na! I did'int do that..(gulp)