
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is great entertainment, unlike some of the other reviewers we did not find it a comedy, but a well paced thriller. The actors although not well known did a very good job and the location was terrific. The story plot of course is as old as Shakespeare, but like Shakespeare it is the love triangle that surmounts the nature of man and in this case woman. It is not the first time that a woman has used a man to help kill a husband, but what makes this film unique is the slow break-up of the plan as things go wrong. Reviewers call the husband a 'nerd', well believe me there are plenty of so called 'nerds' running countries and industries and being involved in most of the major dealings of man. Some people think that they would be really terrific if put in the same circumstances as the husband, injured, alone, hunted in a cruel environment such as this roasting/freezing desert. do not be too cocky people because if you were hunted in the desert just what would you do?