• Warning: Spoilers
    About 9 minutes (more or less) into the production you realize this is an existential film.Normally I like these Sarte on steroid long winded clever masterpieces, unfortunately I am still waiting for someone to make one. Owen (Richard Cutting) finds himself in a house of hedonism where anything goes. Here he starts to investigates murders and discovers the secrets of the manor.

    I will say the acting and dialogue were stiff, If you have a room with women in various stages of dress and something that looks like a kid's volcano science project made out of cocaine, and spankings, I would have expected better characters and dialogue. Conversations turn weird on coke (so I heard) and this would have been a good time to exhibit some crazies, as long as you are wasting two hours of good film. The head crushes looked like rubber. There was no skull fragments, just red gush.

    The idea was good, it just needed someone else to do it and someone who can afford a decent sound track.

    Guide: F-word, nudity.