
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this show the first time around when it was on a major television network and I do NOT recall it being SO poorly acted!! The actor who plays Preston is the absolute worst in terms of actually being able to act, and I don't understand why they didn't get a better actor. Admittedly, the majority of people on the show were NOT great actors, but at least most of them were tolerable to watch, but I cringed every time Preston was in a scene. I'm part way thru Season 5 now and the show is getting harder to keep watching because the acting seems to be getting progressively worse!! And A lot of the cases that Dr. Quinn treated should have died given her primitive surroundings and equipment. And things like when Matthew got shot during the bank robbery and then he went after them hours later, was SO NOT reality since there would have been NO way he could have even saddled his horse and then riding out to find and then fight the bad guys would have torn his wound open and he should have bled to death!! Yes, I know it is just a TV show, but there were SO many unrealistic things when this was supposed to be a show based in historical facts!!!!!!! I also can't even count the times that Sully did things where he was "undetected" by the soldiers when there is NO WAY that he wouldn't have been seen or caught doing things the way he did!! The only episode that involved a patient that I think was an ACTUAL reality as to what would have really happened was when the baby died from the rancid milk from the poorly designed bottle tho now that I think about it, I doubt that the baby would have died that fast and he should have been vomiting a lot, not just diarrhea. BUT the whole way the "court" treated that and not investigating when the mother admitted to giving the baby milk AFTER Dr. Quinn told her not to, and not testing things before trying to revoke her license, and her accepting the dad's half-ass apology when he almost ruined her life was just ridiculous!! There is so much crap on TV now and this show doesn't have swearing, sex, dirty jokes, violence, gore, shock value, scandals, huge action sequences, etc that SO many shows rely for on for ratings these days but it could have been done SO much better, and I honestly just put it on now to fall asleep to because I know there won't be loud explosions or lots of loud things going on that will wake me up, and its boring and slow enough that you don't miss much when u fall asleep halfway thru. They should do a reboot with some good actors and more accurate outcomes for the medical cases, and put more reality into what would actually happen after the surgeries and natural disasters instead of acting like she was some kind of miracle worker in the late 1800's where she could ALWAYS bring back people on the brink of death to full recovery with NO lingering issues. This show was made in the 90's so it SHOULD have been SO much better WITHOUT the cheesiness it has that you would find in shows that came out in the 60's and 70's!! It definitely got worse the longer it was on and the more poor actors they added to the main cast. They must have been desperate for actors too using the one Indian actor for numerous roles and bringing back the actor for Andrew just a few episodes after he was the con man and ripped everyone off with his refrigerator scam!!