
  • As a Russophile, I have seen several excellent films made in that great land, including "Andrei Rublev," "Alexander Nevsky," "Ivan the Terrible," "Sadko," "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears," "Burnt by the Sun." It seemed that "The Duellist" would be a respectable historical drama.I had read that in preparation Mizgirev had studied Ridley Scott's The Duellists (1977), a film that I admire. The story per se was intriguing, focusing on the nefarious and deadly career of a mercenary duellist at a time when such affaires d'honneur were quite frequent. The background of this mysterious and quasi occult character piqued my curiosity. Was he really a nobleman? Why was he found half dead by some natives who appeared to be Inuits? Who was paying the salary for the killings? Little by little, the facts emerged. However, they did so in a very scatterbrained manner. We find out about the flashback to the Aleutians in a later flashback which goes back further. We are never sure about his identity as he keeps telling different stories. Sadly, I was confused throughout the film and not very happy when some information was revealed because I could not be sure whether it was the truth or not. I still do not know why Count Beklemishev hated him so nor do I know why the particular victims were targetted. To add to the confusing morass of mystery after mystery, the sets were dismal to say the least, with a superabundance of concrete which reminded me of bunkers in some dystopia. The costumes were also lacking in brilliance. All in all, the atmosphere was rather dingy and sparse. I understand that this film emulates the 19th century genre of the city mysteries, as exemplified by Les Vrais Mystères de Paris (1844) by Eugène François Vidocq, a criminal who became a renowned criminologist. It is this dingy, rank and convoluted ambiance that Alex Mizgirev successfully transfers to his opus. It could have been a great film if not for the plot gaps and shabby sets.