• Warning: Spoilers
    The story is totally predictable. I don't think there was anything the least bit surprising.

    The acting and production were also pretty average or maybe a little below for this type of movie. Even the humor lacked any dazzle. Elizabeth Berkley's Holly was very likable and her acting was probably the best for the film. It took me a long time to begin to forgive Mike and if it weren't a Hallmark movie, Holly wouldn't have forgiven him. One big complaint I have is that it is hard to disconnect the fact that she forgave him right when they found the ticket. I'm surprised she didn't clock Joe when he showed up at the door. Joe should not just be fired, but he belongs in jail, at least for a while. Mitchell Kummen did a pretty good job as young Max.

    Here's the thing. If you like this kind of movie and don't expect a lot, then you will enjoy it. If you have big expectations, or don't like the Hallmark sappiness, then you won't like this movie.