• First of all, every negative review that's based on historical inaccuracy is correct. This show has absolutely nothing in common with the actual history of the Knights Templar. However, as a history buff and enthusiast I'm a bit perplexed by the outrage. The show and its commercials never tried to portray the show as historically accurate. So in my opinion, the negative reviews based on historical inaccuracy have no merit.

    This show follows on the foot of vikings. Its supposed to be a show based on the Knights Templar but that's where the similarities end. What I judge a show by is cohesive plot, characters acting logically to drive the plot, entertainment value and acting. For the most part the show does a great job in all those categories. The only glaring negative point about the show is that the plot is a bit predictable sometimes. Otherwise, its great entertainment. I give the show a solid 8.5/10. The 10 rating from above is to balance out all the unjustified low ratings.