• Warning: Spoilers
    After a 16 year old Somali pirate is captured and taken to NYC for trial, a group of Somali pirates highjack an airliner with a news crew on it. Atlas (David Oyelowo) the leader of the crew has an interview with Frank Saltzman (Greg Callahan) a long time revered reporter.

    Most of the film is shot from hand held cameras, but for the most part they were mounted so you don't get motion sickness watching the film. The production looks at how the media covers different stories and the careful Orwellian word usage to describe things. The movie spends a lot of time discussing the use of of the word pirate vs. terrorism. Are pirates who just want money and not have a political agenda terrorists too? After all they create terror. And what about young kids involved? What is their story?

    The film in part, attempts to discuss the blight of poverty in Somalia without spending any money or time to film there. The movie takes too long to develop and once it does, it still goes slow, because the only real entertainment is the ending which becomes anti-climatic because we had to endure too much boring filler material to get there.

    Guide: F-bomb (multiple languages). No sex or nudity.