• Warning: Spoilers
    Not a bad little early 60's British-made spooker/thriller. A woman inherits an old rambling house from an aunt. She right away likes the house and even its resident ghost. Her wastrel husband does not. A real rotter that drinks and carouses with other women more than he works at a job or his marriage. He would like his wife to sell the house so he can go through the money at the speed of light. When he gets fed up at his now independant wife and her refusal to do what he wants he picks up whith the town tramp. The they start planning to do away with the cumbersome wife. They don't count on the ghost doing everything it can to protect the wife and punish them. Not overly atmospheric or spooky, but the supernatural goings on seem believable and not over the top. Good performances by all. Always liked this film. I found a fair condition DVD-R. Hopefully someday it will be released re-mastered. The film (not necesarily the DVD-R) is highly recommended.