
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film is so bad it had me laughing out loud!

    The movie starts off by trying to build foundation of a good movie, but then soon the movie starts to self destruct into a bunch duplicated scenes from the original film Deep Blue Sea movie (which I liked).

    The under sea laboratory first had me laughing, Rob Mayes character (who?) runs from the laboratory to the surface in seconds to check on a disturbance and finds a boat has crashed into the generator that just happens to be next to a pile of petrol drums and fire is erupting everywhere .... he then runs back to the laboratory and locks the door and does not mention the blazing inferno on the surface to anyone!! Later in the movie the under sea laboratory is protrayed as a deep sea facility when moments before Rob Mayes ran to the surface and back to laboratory in seconds!!

    The remainder of the movie are scenes shamelessly copied from the original movIe and very badly reshot.... and not only that any semblance of a story is now thrown out the window, as the sharks Attack the underwater facility and the movie cast are subject to scene after scene of water erupting from everywhere and various shark attacks have to watch it for the comedy value!

    But I would recommend watching the first movie before you watch DBS2 to completely appreciate how bad and funny DBS2 is.

    I gave the movie 3 stars because it make me laugh so much!