• The best part of California is the costume design. Edith Head went all out in draping Barbara Stanwyck with breathtakingly beautiful gowns. Every time she came on the screen, I gasped and exclaimed, "Look at that one!" Fashion aficionados will want to rent this one, or at least look at still pictures.

    But what's the actual movie about? Ray Milland, also known as a poor man's James Stewart, stars as a wagon train leader across the vast Midwest to California. When Barbara Stanwyck is literally cast out into the street by her town, implying suspected or confirmed prostitution, Ray goes against his better judgement and lets her join the group going west. For some reason, Barbara falls for Ray even though he's not very nice to her and even slaps her after she tells him he's not going to "get what he wants".

    Sprinkled into the plot is the goldrush craze, as well as political disagreements about impending statehood, but-no offense to rival politicians Barry Fitzgerald and George Coulouris-that's part of the plot isn't nearly as interesting as Barbara's clothing. Keep an eye out for Anthony Quinn in a very, very small part. Basically, he just dances with Barbara Stanwyck and then gets drunk with Ray Mi-bland. Unfortunately, even though his dance costume is very tight and shows off his best assets, he's not on screen for very long. Just think in six short years, Anthony Quinn and Barbara Stanwyck would be reunited on the screen, this time playing husband and wife in Blowing Wild.

    I'm really not a Ray Mi-bland fan, so even though I love Barbara Stanwyck, I didn't really like this movie. There's a pretty cute song in the beginning, "California or Bust", but the rest of the movie feels like a subpar western. It won't hurt you, though, if you want to give it a try.