• Those who bush this sequel must have watched a different shark movie or they are just bitter this was not like the first and superior movie but that's to be expected. the first movie was a theatrical release and had Jackson in it. the first movie will always be among the very top shark movies ever together with jaws, shark attack and a few others. that doesn't mean that if the sequel was not like the first movie then it sucked. first of all u must take to account this was a direct to video with no great stars. no matter it was a good sequel with messages plot story and shark action. the production was very good and the story keeps u heated in your sheet but only if u love shark movies. this is sure not a masterpiece but there a lot worst shark movies out there. if u are a fan like me u will buy the dvd to have it in your shark dvd movies collection. the villain was great and for a B movie it was great.

    GRADE B- = 7 out of 10.