• I bucked convention and saw this movie's sequel, "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo" first. Well, no biggie...and don't worry if you cannot see this saga in its proper order.

    Like the sequel, this film is an amazing window into the garish 1980s. I remember the decade well...and can remember many of the insane fashions in the movie. Fortunately, my two daughters don't know about this movie...otherwise they'd tease me incessantly about it! But, if you can ignore that there's hardly any plot and the dialog is god-awful, you can enjoy a trip down memory lane...especially since some of the dancing is actually very good.

    The story is about a whitebread sort of lady, Kelly (Lucinda Dickey), who has been taking dance classes but learns about street dancing...breakin'. Soon she makes friends with some of these dancers and she's finds her true calling with break dancing. While there might be a bit more to the movie than this...there isn't much. Mostly, it's one dance number after another after another and the film clearly could have used more substance.

    By the way, if you do watch it, look for a couple things. First, in the dance where the guy is dancing with a broom, notice that there are wires on the brook...not too cleverly hidden ones at that. Second, although he later cultivated a tough street-kid image, Ice-T is in this one and his rapping is pretty lame compared to what fans later came to expect. I like this singer/actor...but know he must cringe whenever the film is aired on TV.