• This is what happens when TV executives (who have no ideas at all) listen to actors and theater types (who have stupid ideas!)

    A reviewer actually said this: "Take it from someone who KNOWS what good is! "Cop Rock" was a VERY good show! It was just ahead of its time."

    It has also been fondly recalled as being 'brave', 'innovative' and 'ahead of it's time', etc... but it was none of these things. It was, in fact, a bloody awful concept which anyone NOT working in TV would have seen from several precincts away!

    Nevertheless, the clowns at ABC threw tens of millions at this dud and they seriously all thought it was gonna be a hit. It wasn't and it was yanked pretty quickly and the network was a laughing stock for the next five years.

    Even now 'Cop Rock' is a by-word for an ambitious and absolute stinker!

    Having said all that, there were some good songs wasted on this. Randy Edelman did the music and should have pulled all the tunes, rewritten the lyrics and sold a million or so albums with them!

    If Mystery Science Theater did TV shows, THIS is where they would start!