• I was going to write a longer review but it's not necessary. All you need to know about this flick is that they don't do anything interesting with the dimensional travel concept. Nothing of any particular consequence happens when the kids travel to the other dimension, and it's full of awkward discrepancies and inconsistencies. Nearly all questions it raises are left unanswered. The few answers it gives are completely mundane and make you wonder why this movie was even made. Anything they introduce that seems suspicious and/or like will be integral to the plot later turns out to neither be explained nor necessary to the plot. The characters face only the most rudimentary of trials and there is no payoff whatsoever. I'd love to hear how exactly the writer sold this movie. "Ok so check it out- we've got these kids at a party and then they travel to another dimension. The dimension is basically the same but different...somehow. Anyway they basically just run around for a while and are confused and then eventually they come back and yeah. Well...that's pretty much it right there". Wow, doesn't that sound so great? Oh, and a solid 1/3 of this is basically an entirely different movie which covers the rest of the kids at the party. The majority of that part is the cops trying to get into the house and the kids saying no, then every so often they bring the parent of one of the kids to come yell at them- even though none of these characters was previously introduced nor are they mentioned again making it all feel very tedious and pointless. Avoid this. I love this type of movie where the characters and audience are challenged to question reality, but this one doesn't deliver in any way.