• They appear to have shot two movies: One about Rod Taylor dashingly taking on Spaniards in the New World. The swordplay is passable, I suppose. But there's something about the way people perform their ''stunts'' or move about that is so laughably inept you wander whether a 94-year-old Douglas Fairbanks or recently deceased Errol Flynn couldn't have been remummified to do some scenes. Drake's sidekick has less athletic agility than Zero Mostel. And then there is the other movie they glued on to the adventure. One about palace intrigue and a love interest left behind. Who cares. And who cares. The producers, to their credit, spent enough money that we get scenes of real men on real ships on real water, on what I assume is the European coastline somewhere. So it has a visual appeal. On paper it probably seemed to Rod Taylor like it would be a fun way to spend the summer of '62. If they'd only concentrated on his adventures and hired a better choreographer, they might have had something here.