• 29 November 2018
    This movie has too many problems. 1- The lack of any flow. About 70% of the movie is about normal situations of any person (going to work, boring life, family problems, ...etc..) 2- In a super-hero movie we want to see a super-hero making very unusual things and saving people...this is not the case... the only think he do is "saving" people in a metro accident using a very very stupid way to do that (Not spoiler, it is shown in the trailer)...etc... 3- The uniform is only used to fight against "final boss" not for saving anyone. 4- The main problem of the movie is the target. I mean, the movie don't know if main target are children or adult people. The argument is stupid, some situations are comical/stupid, and oher are normal boring adult situations... but the real problem is the script... I mean... the script uses very disapointing words for children, strong languaje, insults...etc... In spanish (my case) it uses phrases like "Estoy hasta los COJONES", "Hostia","acuantar mas con una chica en la cama, y no precisamente durmiendo"...etc... This is not for children, but the age rate is "all ages"... obviusly this is not accurate, and looks like the rate has make any kind of exception with this movie to help the earnings instead of protecting childhood.