• Aqua-man is yet another DCEU movie that manages to catch a fantastic start, but gradually declines into a messy generic movie which only exists to appeal to mainstream audiences.

    The same old formula has once again been used, but this time our hero is Aqua-man, and for the first time ever, we have an underwater super hero movie. I must say the way the managed to portray the underwater world exceeded my expectations as I have not seen anything like it before, but unfortunately it's one of the high points of this flick.

    The movie begins like your average Disney movie. Two characters fall in love, have a child, and they get separated. This child is aquaman, a boy with seemingly unique powers of being able to communicate with sea creatures.

    Fast forward to when he's grown up, aquaman is your generic character that is slowly transferred into a hero, one that is the last hope of stopping the war versus the Atlantans and the "earth people".

    Unfortunately I can't really go any further without spoiling the plot (there's not really that much to spoil) but let's just say you can predict everything that happens in the movie, including some of the dialogue.

    The movie feels one linear. One dimensional. There is no sense of wonder, no atmospheric environment, nothing. The movie has managed to bring the best cgi within the DCEU universe, but at the end of the day, it just feels like a movie.

    There is honestly nothing going for this movie. It just manages to succeed at not being as bad as some of DC's lowest (suicide squad, justice league). It plays everything safe, sticking to the core roots that the audience seems to enjoy and want out of a movie, regardless or not if they have seen it a thousand times.

    The writing is poor, the screenplay is poor, the cgi is fantastic, the acting is bland, and the movie lacks any memorable moments except for the eye candy fight near the end of the movie.

    Overall if you're okay with the same old movie following the same old formula, you can't really go wrong with this movie. But for someone who is sick and tired of the same stuff over and over again, I'm going to have to give this movie a 4/10.