• Warning: Spoilers
    Diana (Dawn Spinella) is a vampire who paints using the blood of her victims, although we don't get to see the gallery so we just take her word for it. Edmond (Kirk Wilson) is her non-vampire assistant who gets her models when he is not hanging out with Connor (Leo Otero) and his cheap prostitute friend (Erin Smith). Diana wants more...more than Edmond wants to give her.

    The film started out good, but quickly went downhill as it digressed from the original plot. It also contained some intentional comedic scenes which was nice, but didn't fit in with the rest of the film. The soundtrack was annoying for much of the time, especially in the beginning as it played as a stuck record. Of course once Diana got her blood it was classical, clearly the music being symbolic. In spite of that, it was mostly annoying.

    F-bomb, sex, and nudity (Amie Childers, Sue Wheeler, Dawn Spinella- very brief)