
  • Since the 2000's, and staying under the American, b-sh deux, the role of the military had gained an almost Soviet/nazi-esque like importance in societies, which only a few years earlier, had been put where they belong; the back burner.

    Since this time, it's become dear riguer that even is a military person poops it's 'heoic'.

    Gimme a break. The last time any misty did anything important was during world war 2; everything since had been a game of chess being played for real.

    Any movie, or show which glamorises such nonsense is designed to attract the most feeble-minded dullards (usually Americans from their Southern and Midwestern tier states; the ones where the entire intelligence of everyone wouldn't add up to that of a flea.

    If that's you, I don't feel bad for you. You're already brain-dead, and military garbage is just as important to your as video games, guns and hunting (or rather, 'huntin') yippy-ky-yay.