• Warning: Spoilers
    The film starts off with some first person narration by India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska) a special girl who sees and hears things others do not. She is very attached to her father and has never bonded with her mother Eve (Nicole Kidman, by favorite B-movie A-lister). When her father dies, his brother Charlie (Matthew Goode) suddenly shows up and has an unusual bond with with India.

    The film is quirky. It is steep with symbolism, innuendos, and metaphors contained in the dialouge, wine, spiders, music, and shoes. Half of it I didn't get, maybe it was just a cinema thing. In any case the film had be fooled into thinking it was great. Charlie didn't eat and had a strange effect on women. A woman shows up who is named "Auntie Jen." Clearly there is something symbolic in antigen, right?

    About an hour of intense watching, attempting to catch clues, the film dies for me as I realize the story behind the mysterious Charlie. It was one of the more cleverly done film of this genre, I think, and for that I give it 4 stars. Clearly not for everyone.

    No F-bombs, that I recall. Sexual conduct, very brief nudity (Mia Wasikowska, or double.)