• Warning: Spoilers
    The show walks in the footsteps of Fargo and Breaking Bad but fails to reach their superiority by far. It is one of those "not bad for a German TV show" but If this argument is a valid one is discussable since there are already many German TV shows which reached, at least visually and budgetwise, almost Hollywood level, so it's all about writing and execution in the end. The plot itself is quite interesting and original, even though the "Walter White pattern" of "ordinary family guy takes radical measures to help his family" is hard to overlook. Still, except for some really shallow characters, most of the characters are interesting, not amazing, but interesting. The acting overall is quite alright, then again not compelling, but quite alright. There are a lot of plot holes or parts that aren't tied well together where a strict watcher would not feel satisfied fully. But the series somehow still succed to build up suspense at many points and makes you wanna keep watching. But the weak spot is always the resolution. This show had all the resources, too bad it could not reach its full potential.