
  • One of the characters makes this declaration early on, and I couldn't agree more. Clarity is in short supply in "Killers Anonymous", a dreadful indie misfire with a not-half-bad cast of unknown actors apart from Gray Oldman , who should be thoroughly embarrassed. Who wrote this mess? It's hard to determine which is worse, the plot or the script.

    A group of killers meets in a sort of an Al-Anon for killers. Someone has tried to assassinate the American President on a visit to London, when suddenly, he staggers into the meeting wounded. I'm not going any further because it gets worse. Of the unlucky cast the only standouts are Tommy Flanagan and Rhyon Nicole Brown. The rest should try to have this film deleted from their list of credits. Gary Oldman escapes intact since his part is so small.

    A truly awful movie.

    3/10 *** - Website no longer prints my star rating.