• In "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" Vincent Price returned to the character type that he had become most associated with: the cultured, brilliant individual, driven mad by vengeance. "Phibes", as a cult classic, might today be the most famous example of his playing this character.

    It's a movie I wanted to like more than I did. It has fantastic sets when we visit Phibes' lair, and Price is unforgettable as a villain who can't speak, but uses his "knowledge of acoustics" to get his voice back. He looks like a partially thawed snowman.

    Trouble is the movie keeps leaving his set, and Phibes, to show people chasing around after Phibes, and those scenes aren't interesting. Phibes kills people using methods inspired by the ten plagues of Egypt, ie. flesh eating locusts and rats, but the death scenes aren't particularly interesting either.

    Here's hoping the sequel I'm about to watch is better.