
  • 1942. Lt. Colonel Robert Frederick is tasked with forming and training, in a very short space of time, a commando-type unit for a special operation in Norway. This is the 1st Special Service Force. The unit will be a mixture of US and Canadian troops. The Canadian troops are elite hand-picked soldiers. Unfortunately, the US troops are from the polar opposite end of the spectrum: shirkers, criminals and generally the individuals the US Army doesn't want. There is instant animosity between the Canadians and Americans. With time short and the two halves of his unit constantly at each other's throats, Colonel Frederick is facing an impossible task.

    Mediocre. Pretty much your average war movie from the 1960s. Filled with gung ho action scenes, unrealistic military tactics, one-dimensional characters and predictable plot development, this is not great.

    Add in a 50-year old William Holden playing the 34-year old Colonel Frederick, some unconvincing supporting performances (to go with the one-dimensional characters) and this was never going to be a masterpiece.

    Not all bad though. The history of the unit is reasonably interesting (this is based on a true story) and the climatic battle scene is exciting and well made.